9:00 am Registration & Networking

9:20 am What it Takes to Make LEAP a Reality

9:30 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Evolving Culture & Engagement in Dynamic Biotech Organizations

9:40 am Discover: Acknowledging Employee Sentiment to Drive Engagement & Evolve Culture

  • Jill Wilson Director, Human Resource Business Partner, Verve Therapeutics
  • Kaitlin Duffy Executive Director Human Resources, Verve Therapeutics


  • How can we as senior leaders ensure that we understand employee sentiment and evolve our culture both in periods of growth and turbulence?
  • Managing expectations of the differing generations within our workforce to effectively achieve collective communication and drive engagement
  • Maintaining a clear sense of company culture and boosting engagement following times of disruption or uncertainty

10:00 am Discover: : Advancing Culture & Boosting Employee Morale Following Times of Industry Disruption


  • How can we ensure that our culture adapts and evolves when going through periods of industry disruption or downmarket?
  • Transforming communication and engagement with clear communication and company values
  • Culture initiatives from Longboard Pharmaceuticals to achieve collective collaboration and engagement

10:20 am Develop: What More Can We Learn from the Leaders Focusing on Communication & Culture to Engage their Employees?

  • Jill Wilson Director, Human Resource Business Partner, Verve Therapeutics
  • Kaitlin Duffy Executive Director Human Resources, Verve Therapeutics
  • Jennifer Patterson Senior Director, Head of Human Resources, Longboard Pharmaceuticals


Q&A Session Facilitated by the Chair

10:40 am Action: What More Can We Do to Ensure Effective Communication & Ensure We Are Understanding the Sentiment of our Employees Across Our Organization


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

Efficient New Strategies to Transform Employee Engagement & Enhance Retention

10:50 am Discover: Mitigating Risk With Strong Company Values & a Focus On Employee Retention


  • What more can we do as senior leaders to keep morale high and focus on employee retention during times of risk within our organizations
  • Establishing a positive company culture with concrete values that can withold industry turbulence and continue to evolve
  • The strategy from Candel Therapeutics on employee retention following times of industry disruption

11:10 am Discover: Enhancing Retention & Reducing Turnover With Syndax Pharmaceuticals

  • Bryan Tierney Associate Director Talent Acquisition, Syndax Pharmaceuticals


  • Best practice strategies and learnings from Syndax Pharmaceuticals to enhance engagement and keep turnover low through times of scale and industry disruption

11:30 am Develop: What More Can We Learn From the Leaders Leveraging Engagement Initiatives to Reduce Turnover & Enhance Retention?

  • Bryan Tierney Associate Director Talent Acquisition, Syndax Pharmaceuticals
  • Ileen Winick Chief People Officer, Candel Therapeutics


Q&A Session Facilitated by the Chair

11:50 am Action: How Can We Adapt & Evolve Our Culture & Engagement Strategy to Enhance Retention Within Our Own Organizations?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

12:00 pm Speed Networking

12:40 pm Panel Discussion: Discussing Pay Transparency, Compensation & Benefits to Ensure We Stay Ahead of the Curve & Incentivize Our Biotech Workforce


  • How can we as HR leaders ensure we are planning for pay transparency and are prepared to share and publish our philosophies?
  • Leveraging competitive benefits and compensation plans to incentivise and retain our critical biotech workforce

1:20 pm Lunch

Change Management Strategies to Optimize HR Agility & Efficiency

2:20 pm Discover: Driving HR Agility With Change Management Strategies To Align Business & People Needs


  • How can we keep on top of employee burnout and keep our people strategy a priority in times of growth and change for our organization?
  • How do we manage cash and equity in this volatile market to retain our key talent?
  • Designing organizational structures, building capabilities and staying agile as a HR leader to support the overall business need

2:40 pm Discover: Strategic Change Management & What This Means for People Operations


  • How do you implement change management and translate what this means for people operations?
  • Strategic prioritization as an agile leader to align people and business strategy
  • The story of tactical change management and HR agility from Terray Therapeutics

3:00 pm Develop: What More Can We Learn From the Leaders Leveraging Engagement Initiatives to Reduce Turnover & Enhance Retention?


Q&A Session Facilitated by the Chair

3:20 pm Action: How Can We Adapt & Evolve Our Culture & Engagement Strategy to Enhance Retention Within Our Own Organizations?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

3:40 pm Refreshment Break

Effective Change Management for Enhanced HR Adaptability & Productivity

4:00 pm Discover: Prioritizing People Strategy When Re-Designing Organizational Structure to Optimize Engagement & Drive Efficiency


  • What are the structural and operational things we can put into place to engage our people and leaders
  • Organizational design for dynamic biotech leaders to stay one step ahead and prioritize people strategy
  • Driving HR agility and balancing business needs with people strategy through times of change and growth 

4:20 pm Discover: Innovative Approaches to Enhance HR Adaptability & Productivity through Effective Change Management


  • What strategies can HR leaders implement to design organizational structures, develop capabilities, and maintain agility to support the evolving needs of the business?
  • How can we prioritize employee well-being and maintain a focus on our people strategy during periods of organizational growth and change?
  • The story from Senti Biosciences for effective change management

4:40 pm Develop: What More Can We Learn From the Leaders Successfully Implementing Change Management Strategies to Support the Evolving Needs of Their Organizations?


Q&A Session Facilitated by the Chair

5:00 pm Action: How Can We Do More to Stay One Step Ahead as Leaders & Be Ready to Restructure & Evolve Our Strategies?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

5:50 pm Interactive Roundtable Discussion: How Can We Leverage New AI Tools to Drive HR Efficiency?


  • How can we as HR leaders educate ourselves and navigate the emergence of AI in order to implement it into our HR function successfully?
  • What are some of the ways that HR leaders are utilizing AI tools in the pursuit of driving HR efficiency
  • Determining how we can leverage AI whilst also being clear on the ethics, legalities and governance surrounding it

5:50 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Day One