Jennifer Patterson

Company: Longboard Pharmaceuticals
Job title: Vice President, Head of Human Resources
Panel Discussion: Navigating Hybrid/Remote Work & Managing Expectations of Work Life Balance Within an Evolving Biotech Organization 9:50 am
How do we continue to manage the expectations and perceptions of work life balance with hybrid/fully remote work environments? Insights on what model varying emerging biopharma organizations are using, and what has been most effective? How can we recognize and navigate the potential long-term affects a hybrid model can have on relationship building within our…Read more
day: Day Two - 20th Nov
Discover: : Advancing Culture & Boosting Employee Morale Following Times of Industry Disruption 9:50 am
How can we ensure that our culture adapts and evolves when going through periods of industry disruption or downmarket? Transforming communication and engagement with clear communication and company values Culture initiatives from Longboard Pharmaceuticals to achieve collective collaboration and engagementRead more
day: Day One - 19th Nov
Develop: What More Can We Learn from the Leaders Focusing on Communication & Culture to Engage their Employees? 10:30 am
Q&A Session Facilitated by the ChairRead more
day: Day One - 19th Nov