Colby Kennedy Nesbitt, Ph.D

Company: Lattice
Job title: Principal People Scientist
Discover: Burnout in Biopharma: Real Solutions to Help Employees Thrive 11:00 am
Explore actionable approaches to address burnout at its root and help employees thrive in the demanding life sciences field. How can HR teams move beyond treating symptoms and tackle the underlying drivers of burnout? Connect the dots between role clarity and employee wellbeing Learn how AI can analyze employee feedback and identify burnout risks Empower…Read more
day: Day Two - 20th Nov
Develop: What More Can We Learn From the Leaders Prioritizing Performance Management & Mentorship Programs to Keep Their Employees Invested in Their Own Engagement? 12:00 pm
Q&A Session Facilitated by the ChairRead more
day: Day Two - 20th Nov